Your own Virtual Piano Bar!
A very new and unexpected way I am now working is by performing at virtual parties!
I am loving performing online! Who knew?! Despite the fact that I can’t, at the moment, perform at weddings and events and even in my beloved Puffin Rooms, I’ve been determined to continue playing to an audience during lockdown. I’ve been performing live on Facebook for a while now but I was recently asked to perform at a Zoom dinner-party as a surprise for the birthday girl, I had previously been a surprise at said birthday girl’s wedding in Lake Garda, Italy. Yes the groom (now husband) is excellent at surprises!
Apparently people are looking for ways to make virtual dinner Legal Dianabol To burn you want to gain weight and Dbol without spending a lot casey and natural with just 2 ingredients! Cura Pela Natureza parties unique as bars and restaurants remain closed for foreseeable future.
Another great advantage is that the world has opened up to me as I can perform virtually anywhere (see what I did there?) I have been at the dinner table and living room of Bostonians, Floridians and Colaradians (is that how you say it?) all over Europe and of course in the UK.
How do you add live music to a virtual dinner party?
Well it’s quite simple really, and works much the same as at my live gigs. In the case of a Zoom dinner party, all the guests would cook their own food and then sit at their TVs, laptops or wherever they usually gather for Zoom party nights. Much as I do when I perform my “Lullabies Live” set on Facebook on a Wednesday evening people can make requests. Everyone has a good chat online and in between songs. Friends even swap pics and vids as I play. It’s a great alternative to Zoom Quiz nights and often adds an element of welcome surprise to the hosts’ virtual guests.
If you would like to know more about how I could enhance your Zoom party or virtual dinner party with live online entertainment then book a zoom call with me so you can see for yourself how it all works!
I have also been approached by a local chef who is providing live cook alongs, and asked me to provide the virtual piano bar in between demonstrations, so watch this space!
I’ve also been hosting a weekly free gig called Lullabies Lives every Wednesday evening in UK.
We’ve been raising money for the NHS at the same time and it’s been a blast, with “Gigs” going on for 2-3 hours!
You can catch me next Wednesday evening until the lockdown is over!

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